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Full Time Job + Therapy + AUCTION! by neonpossum

Job Stuff

So, as some of you may know, I am a taxidermist. I have been running my own taxidermy business since 2011 and this month has brought me many opportunities to work for clients. One runs his own curiosity shop, and I am creating wholesale taxidermy for him, and the other works for a production company. Between these two clients I have a full time job on my hands!

I can make more in a day with taxidermy than I can in a week, so I am going to primarily focus on that.


If anyone wants a refund, let me know and I can try and get it processed ASAP, otherwise just bare in mind that work will be quite slow. I know it seems selfish, but it seems the more financially stable and more sensible option.

If anyone is interested in my taxidermy:

Work hours will be: (estimated)

Mon: 10-4
Tues: 10 -4
Wed: 10-4
Thurs: 10-4
Fri: OFF/Therapy
Sat: 10 - 2
Sun: OFF/Rest day

These hours seem very little but for me even one hour a day is hard... I'm going to try my best!
Anything outside of these will be spent working on furry art (within reason!)

Today I had an appointment with my psychiatric nurse. She was concerned about the side effects quetiapine are giving me, so the dose is cut in half - which is a relief.

We just talked about usual things... depression and that. Anyway she'll see me every 2 weeks to check up on me, which is nice. I have her number too! Woop.

Just a reminder that my 'Art Slave' auction is still going!:
Current bid is $300 for TWO MONTHS worth of art!

Full Time Job + Therapy + AUCTION!


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    Grats on the work! that is always good to hear, and sounds like you got a good psychiatric nurse which is also good, all too often I see ones who just don't really care. also glad to see more artists moving over here full time! :3 Weasyl could really boom in popularity with more artists like you moving here.