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I'm already starting to relax a little just getting away from FA for a bit.
I'm scared though, as nearly all of my income comes from that site, and I'll definitely have to continue cross posting over there.
However I'm seeing a bunch of journals popping up in my feed over there about how the situation 'isnt a big deal' and that it's 'nothing to quite fa over' and im just like
if you want to stick around a place where the admins are literal scum, excusing someone of absolutely revolting behaviour then by all means, but i dont feel safe around there and i certainly dont feel safe around people who have that opinion
its a grim day indeed



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  • Link

    The admins on FA are the literal definition of scum. I'm gonna stay over here too from now on, would rather not stick with people who think it's okay for the staff to be so gross.

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      that's totally true haha. im more than relieved to see so many people coming over here and less journals about how we're overreacting, but sadly the latter's still happening too much for my tastes

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        Yeah I feel the same way :/ But it is really nice that so many people are moving over here. I hope things continue to go in this direction and less in the direction of defending the FA staff's immaturity.

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          yeah it is really good i mean even the layout of this site is nicer than fa's broken layout god. hopefully a lot of the nicer side of the community comes over here

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    I feel like I totally could probably have dealt with them a lot longer if they weren't going after people's accounts and journals and hiding comments instead of taking the distaste like adults and just having an open talk. Like listening to the users instead of trying to save face the wrong way and protect the "poor poor woe is me accused" ?

    I dunno, just that whole mindset and process disturbs me, and I've always felt kinda sick being on FA with these kinds of people

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      It is really disturbing like they could just be honest and say 'this guy did something completely and utterly fucked but we still need him on the team' but instead they're pretending nothing happened and silencing anyone who opposes them and that's really really revolting and scary

  • Link

    I barely ever touched FA before, but my sister uses it quite a lot and I heard of the trashy things going on over there. I'm really glad a place like weasyl exists, it's kind of like a safe haven, for now at least. I wish you a lot of luck, I'd hate to have to mediate between the two. :c

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      yeah i only recently joined FA actually! well i had an account for two years and just let it sit and got back into it really recently when bills came up and stuff got hard. but now ive met so many lovely people and im upset that i have to leave them and my customers behind. but mediating between the two is my only option and its a really gross uncomfortable one but hopefully things will work out haha

      • Link

        I'm sure that if you tell your customers and friends that you've moved over here, they'll probably start migrating over when they can. c: I think you're worth the move, at least!
        I had just recently gotten one, but I never really got much of a chance to use it. The interface isn't user-friendly as weasyl is? Like, for me at least, I found it a lot harder to navigate.
        Then there's the admins....eeeugh.
        I feel bad for the users who are nice, good people but can't really move. :s

        • Link

          ahhh thank you omg
          I TOTALLY AGREE im loving the layout of weasyl its more sleek and easier to use than fa ever was and the admins are literal scum so there's that lol
          yeah im seeing a lot of people who cant make the move and its really sad, especially when they're like me and make an income off the site :(

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            I'm really glad that they seem to have rules in place here to PREVENT scumbag admins, so, we have that going for us!
            I hope that eventually FA can get its act together, at least for the people who have to continue using it. ;0; Or if not that, then I hope that they can eventually make the move over here. It's like moving from a cave to a fancy hotel suite.

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    GOSH this like
    I'll be cross posting things like adopts / commission posts, but yeah ugh
    I knew the admins were bad news, but I had no idea they were that bad, its completely disgusting ;;;;

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      honestly thats the reason i didnt use my FA for two years like i knew the admins were that bad so i guess it was only a matter of time until i left again?? which is sad cos i love everyone ive met on there so yeah ;m;

      • Link

        Yeah, same here ; ;
        WELL hopefully alot of people move on here! So far, alot of people already have, which is good! ;v;

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          YEAH HOPEFULLY!! and if not a lot of my favourite people have moved so i can latch on to them and make friends lol

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    I've had at least 10+ journals over on my FA of people posting their alternates or just moving and it's been a bit hectic trying to refollow and update my stuff while commenting over there as well, but all in all I'm glad I made an account here.
    Though yeah I'm def gonna be crossposting bc it's my main commissions avenue
    (which seems to be the same for a lot of people)
    but I'm looking forward to chilling out over here as well ;v;

    but yuck just yuck, so far I haven't seen 1 journal saying the whole situation is "no big deal" and I'm grateful for that, bc lord knows I don't want to get more upset/disappointed with the site than I already am.
    but I have run across a couple of comments along that same vein and scum pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter perfectly