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New Year by KikoJaharo

Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it?

I keep trying to tell myself I'll be more active, but I don't think anyone wants to hear about my personal life. So, followers, what should I talk about? Fursuit stuff? Life stuff? Cosplay? I really want to know, because if I don't know what to post, I won't, and I like to put a little bit of personality behind just showing off my work.

That being said, here is what I've been working on:

The secret fursuit project is ready to be furred, but it probably won't be finished anything soon. I had less resin and silicone than I expected, and now I have to buy more supplies to make more molds. Pretty much I need to cast claws and feet, but that's not an option right now. I may post a teaser, however, since the paws aren't 100% necessary, in a way, and can be finished once I get more molding supplies.

I'm going to FWA again this year, but the hotel we stayed at last year more than doubled it's price, so we're actually staying much-much further away. I also will be driving up Thursday night to arrive Friday morning, and leaving Sunday afternoon, so we only are staying two nights. I've done this before for Dragoncon, but this time, I don't have an entire costume to make that night, so I know it's more than possible.

School started this week, which is why I'm so short on cash. I'm just about $200 short of tuition, and My deadline is before any cons, so I have to get this money from online sales. I'm selling a bunch of craft and fursuit supplies over on Livejournal, and I'd appreciate it if you took a look, or told any crafting friends you know. All my new projects are on a hold until then.

The good news is that I have plenty of leftovers from cons and fleece to focus on stocking the shop. I've changed my method of making basic tails, so now they are easier to wear, and they are compatible with lights! I'll be making a post about my new glow tails soon, however, I'm going to try and phase out my old tails first. The quicker I sell out, the quicker I'll be able to make the switch!

Here's my store, and please tell your friends!

Thanks for following me, I hope to make another journal soon!


New Year


Journal Information

