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Artists, and Fear by quoFALCON

Many artists go through these trials and really betters them once they understand where these come from and why it messes up with their process enjoying being an artist and all that. Please take note and understand that I am not writing this to target and harm others who may have these, but hoping to give a new light of understanding of these things, that artists suffer through. (And heck, taken under different context with the same topic, these can go for just about anyone! Artist or not.)

I am talking about those little nasty attachments, emotional and otherwise, when it comes to building art, and WHY we make it.

One of the major attachments is that: I want more people to like me...I will make art they would like, and the more they like it, the more they like me.
Amount of adoration = Amount of Self Worth.
This is an illusion we create on ourselves usually at a young age, and it's only there to hinder your true process of making fabulous art. in the end it's just a crutch.

Another popular attachment is: Amount of people commissioning me = Better Self Worth. Same source of insecurity as one above, just a different target.

There are others but I wanted to point these major insecurities out. They're nasty little attachments that can be released if we first realize what they even are to begin with, and realize these no longer have meaning for us.
I notice these things in many artists out there, and the level and degree of these attachment insecurities differs between individuals. Just remember that while you have experienced through these situations, that does not mean that these are you. You're far more than that and you can shift beyond these silly thought-forms.

Being an artist is as easy or hard as we individually make it to be, but in the end, being an artist is A LOT OF WORK AND DOES NOT PRODUCE INSTANT GRATIFICATION IN A BLINK OF AN EYE. Like everything else, it takes work. And you gotta learn to love the process as much as you should the destination.

Keep drawing! Love to you all.

Artists, and Fear


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