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On The Other Paw #2: Cats and Dogs by axelroo

So being a roo furson, am I a dog or cat lover? I actually have a long answer for this but I understand people only have so much stamina when it comes to reading stuff and I don't blame them. In the same way, you could ask if roos are more like cats or dogs.

In a physical sense, kangaroos are well.... kangaroos. They're different enough to be a classification all their own. They might relate kangaroos to rabbits but us roos have long tails not short ones. What also bugs me more than it should, is when a kangaroo is drawn with bunny teeth like the cover to Kangaroo Jack - G'Day USA. No! That's wrong. In fact, take the bunny teeth structure and turn it upside down and you'd be much more correct. A kangaroo's so called "buck teeth" go from the bottom on up not the top down.

As for dogs. You could say the muzzle part is kind of like that but there is a real difference. On canids the corner of the lips go all the way back and stops underneath the eye (if you were looking at it from the side). We roos have small mouths with the corners of our lips not going further than an inch past the nose (again looking at it from the side). We do have rigid claws like a dogs and believe it or not, we can growl like dogs but thats about it.

As for cats? Kangaroo's have the night vision going for them too as well as the constant grooming and scratching but again, no real physical resemblance.

So leaving the physical resemblance context out, I would have to say I'm more of a cat person again, not out of any physical resemblance but more out of common habit. Cats commonly work with their "owners"in a fashion that more resembles a partnership than it does a subserviant one. Some people find cats as selfish because of this but while it probably is selfish, it works out for me. I'm a busy roo at times and i have my own things to do and my agendas to fill and thats what takes up the course of the day. Most cats are the same way. In the morning they may interact with you for an hour early in the morning but then its off to go outside and hunt do whatever. By the evening though we're both practically done and ready to lay down and relax for the rest of the evening. Even on long times away, a cat may get a little upset if you're gone too long but they'll always find something to do.

A dog? I just can't imagine leaving one alone for more than 24 hours. Their happiness is 100% dependent on you and when you're gone too long, their idea of coping with loneliness is to annoy the hell out of the neighbors by barking at anything and everything. I've had way too many encounters with negligent owners who don't give a damn about the dog or their neighbors over time. I do not want to be that guy. The worst a cat is going to do in terms of noise it get into a fight with another cat next to an open window which you can disperse very easily. A dog? You can tell it to shut up all you want and that just makes it worse.

Bottom line, I prefer quiet and while I can speak both cat and dog, I am a cat lover and I wish I could pet every cat.

On The Other Paw #2: Cats and Dogs


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