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Merry Christmas and happy stuffed stomach! by DeRiften

Whew, t'was a long day. Since the last journal (at least on Weasyl since FA was down for the longest time), I played a lot of Final Fantasy XIV and tested most of the 2.1 features. It's really taken a huge step forward and is now even more awesome than it was before, so I won't be bored nearly as easily as I got before. But I also kept playing Baldur's Gate and I'm doing pretty good; my party's equipment is mostly +1/+2, with one insane +3 (those who've played DnD in the past will know what I'm talking about). Though I have to say I didn't game as much as I make it sound, since I watched a lot of movies, the most notable being The Dark Knight Rises. It was a pretty good movie but there was a unholy shitload of plotholes, as if there was a movie inbetween The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises so I was incredibly confused. I mean, I know the movie takes eight years later, but what exactly happened in these eight years? How did Two-Face die? How did Bruce's leg got fucked up? What's that Harvey Dent law and Batman being a villain and everything? What the hell happened in these eight years? Also, how does time work? I'm gonna spoil a bit so if you haven't seen the movie, skip the next paragraph.

You know when Batman's in that impossible-to-escape prison and meanwhile, people are fighting to try and delay the bomb and shit? Well, one time they say the bomb's gonna blow in two days, then the very next scene it's suddenly in two hours. Then, an entire day, night and another half a day passes and suddenly there's 45 minutes left, then an hour later they still have plenty of time. Gotham has a very, very weird timeline.

But today's been pretty busy, since it was the first Holidays supper. Mom and I worked all day yesterday to make the food and we finished preparing everything today around noon. We sat down to take a breather, when a lil time later my uncle, his wife and my two cousins arrived so we chatted till an hour later, my grandma and her new boyfriend arrived. We chatted some more and sipped coffee and drank beer and generally had a good time, then we started the games. Multiple funny games like Guess The Word, unwrapping a present with mittens, etc etc till we each had a small present. That alone took a good two hours, then we were ready to eat. We got all the food and had a blast eating, drinking, chatting and laughing for a good two or three hours before we were all stuffed, then we took the pictures and unwrapped the real presents. From my grandma, I received enough coffee to last a month (my brand, too!). From my uncle and aunt, I received a Celebration lottery ticket (the kind that you can buy only once a year; it costs 100$ and you can win like a thousand things). From my mom, I received a toaster made just for hotdog sausages, so that's gonna save me a good 20 minutes of boiling the sausages when I feel like making hot-dogs. Then from her again, I received an Alienware TactX gaming mouse. That thing's freaking awesome. It's high-powered laser, high-speed, high-precision, perfectly fluid, up to five customizable profiles, a customizable LED with many colors, a turbo-mode that makes it two times faster in everything (probably for Korean Starcraft players, since they're bionics and need equipment that can keep up with 'em), plus two buttons that you can customize, AKA gaming goodies. It's freaking awesome and my mom got it 70% off on Black Friday, so she only paid 30$ for it. I mean sure, 30$ is already expensive for a mouse but hey, it's Alienware so it's the most expensive brand.

Overall, today was pretty awesome but it also has its downsides. Actually, the downsides started a few days ago, three I think. Y'see, after my meds and mouth-rinse ran out, I was almost fully-healed (I'm still almost fully-healed), I got an infection on my uvula. It got swollen and just sort of started dangling off on the back of my tongue so it was always really painful and it was hard to swallow and I couldn't spit or anything, and it still hurts today but it's slowly getting better... about the same rate as my wisdom teeth actually. But the thing is, even without that, it still hurts in my mouth since the craters aren't all filled up yet and filling up hurts a bit. It's not very painful, mind you, but just the kind of constant pain that's mild enough to annoy the shit outta you and make it hard to focus. Add to that the headache and backache I've had all day, and you can guess the wine was really, really, REALLY good. I mean, what's a better painkiller than booze, other than morphine :P?

The next Holidays supper is supposed to be on the 28th, so I'm gonna have a week to finish healing up... though we have enough leftovers from today's supper to last until the next >.>

Merry Christmas and happy stuffed stomach!


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