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2013 Year Review by Nwar

Sorry, I have been quite inactiv over here around the months, but for some reason I have noticed a massiv exode from FA (lol), and I'm following it, always to late!! lol

Anyway, it’s time for the end of the year review ! *insert random rant here, about how I can’t believe how fast time is running, feeling old, being scared, whatever,…* Here I’m just going to summarized some events of 2013, not my entire life XD

2013 Has been a pretty good year in general :) I think that after years of drawing I have FINALLY found my art style, and I have travelled, what could I expect better :)

The very beginning of the year was a little difficult though. I happened to have the less encouraging teachers ever, telling me that my art was so bad I could only improved, having wrong judgement on me, like I probably haven’t experienced anything in my life, and telling that I won’t stand a chance to work as an illustrator. No need to say that for a few weeks I litterally collapsed, I fall back into the state I was in 2010, I was conveiced I was a useless piece of s***, I had it all wrong, drawing was not my stuff, I should find a different passion. Hopefully, thanks to my friends I managed to go throught and today I even think that this little dark period is part of the process of the creation of my current art style. On an happier note, at this time, I get more involved in comics and story telling, my art has gain a more narrative feeling than it used to have :)

In june, I finally been graduate from « art » school. « Art » because, I’m still a little confused about what this school really was :confused: Anyway, I’m pretty proud about the essay I did, a long essay about architecture in comics in french. Let me know if you are willing to read it XD It’s only 80 pages :P School was over, forever ! And I, for the first time in years , had plenty of free time, I don’t know what to do with it. I started searching for a job, today, I still not have a job :( Ho, and I received my very first decent digital camera for my birthday :P

July was really exciting, it was my very first travel in America and I had the chance to made this travel with the love of my life <3, it was the best travel I had the chance to do so far. I used to say that I relearned how to take my time in one of the fastest city on earth.

August was the furry part of the year, lol. I went to my very first convention as an artist. My table was such a mess but it was great. I received so many encouraging comments from people there, it really cheered me up : ‘) thank you guys ^^ Also, I had great time in general there and met new great people <3 I hope to build strong friendship from now <3

October was time for travelling again. Went to Germany, Danemark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium. It was great. The car trunk was full of food and I think we managed to made a large tour for pretty cheap. I’m so looking forward for my next travel, maybe Finland :P

In November, I spend time working for a comic contest (I loose :(, but nevermind I’m still pretty proud of my pages ^^) and did my best to be ready for the children book fair. It was great there, so many professionals from edition was so positiv about my work. I didn’t find any contract but I have gain confidence in myself. I feel that I don’t have anything anymore to proove (even if there is always room for improvement ;)) and I feel even ready to find a job in something different than art. It’s funny but I have realised recently that if I wanted to work in the art industry it was also, because I wanted to proove I just could. Now that I have proove myself I’m capable, I’m ready to find a job in anything, and I’m pretty sure it won’t depress me, as long as it allows me enough of free time to draw :P

I know that in 2013 I didn’t made any online goals list for the year. But I started one anyway secretly :p In this list I planned to loose weight, well, I loose 1kg. This is not much but it’s already something, at least I didn’t gain weight, and this is not least to say :)

I wanted to see old friends that I haven’t seen in years, I saw some and the year is still not over, so who knows ;) and I wanted to be more involved as a citizen, but I’m not sure I’m am:/ other than that, I think that most of my goals has been fullfilled so 2013 was a good year. I’m really excited about making a new list of goals for 2014 :D

Ho and I forgot to mention, in 2013, I started belly dancing. I’m not planning to become the best dancer, but I feel better in my body since I started dancing. I seriously recommend you guys to dance, it’s perfect to reconcillate body with mind and gain confidence :)

Now it’s time to celebrate the end of the year with the ones I love. I hope you all had a wonderfull 2013 and that 2014 is going to be just as great for you :) Stay tuned for my brand new 2014 to-do list ;)

Illustrated version:

2013 Year Review


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    Glad that your year ended with positive results. Your art style is adaaaawable, so I'm happy that you're going to remain in the trade!

    2013 was definitively less bad than the last two (three?) years for me, though it's still far from the ideal, so I intend to make 2014 better or die trying. So, good luck with your to-do list, too!

    (And I like French comics, if the offer to read the essay wasn't just a joke. =P I don't really speak French, but managed to study Quantum Mechanics from a French textbook [Cohen-Tannoudji!] by using my Ancient Latino Magicks(tm) to figure out what was going on. I'm still struggling to understand completely the French translation of *Invisible Cities, though...)*