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FC, Badges, and Weasyl by tealFOXY

Hello, Weasyl, AKA former FA users!

It's been a while since I've been on here, and it's been difficult because everyone is on FA, and that's the only reason we use it. I think FA being down is just what we needed... I'm pretty sure at least. I will try to keep Weasyl as updated as FA, if not more. I'm not going to upload too much of my older art because I hate old art... usually...

FC is coming up in just a month and I am FUCKING EXCITED. I am so ready for it this year! I hope to see a lot of your faces and give them love and shit. If we haven't met, I'm always happy to meet someone new, so never be afraid of that as well! I'll be arriving on the Thursday morning, and leaving Tuesday afternoon! See y'all there!

ALSO! I am selling Katakana badges. Like seriously, buy them. Christmas is going to drain me, and I could use the extra financial security for FC. Any help in that would be AMAZING... Even if it's just a Tweet/RT, anything helps!

They're $35, and all you need to do is email with the following filled out!

  • FA Handle:
  • Character Name: (Katakana may alter names slightly)
  • Species: (Kanji of species may change for mixed/hybrids)
  • Color of Choice:
  • Reference:
  • Clothing:
  • Pose:
  • Other: (Stylization and stuff)

Love you guys!

FC, Badges, and Weasyl


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