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One complaint with Weasyl by shorty-antics-27

What annoys me is when something is posted, only the date shows up in my inbox... not WHEN it was posted. This is most annoying with stream notices... since those notices don't poof until I manually delete them. How do I know when they started streaming? Just saying the say they started doesn't help at all... because they could have started a long while ago today and already ended... but it's still in my inbox. The only way I can see for sure is if I clicked on the link. But that wastes my time, so it discourages me from looking at the streams at all, unless I am on the front page with who is currently streaming.

I really feel that, especially for journals and streams, there should be a time stamp on it instead of just a date. :c

Unless I am missing it in the settings or something...

One complaint with Weasyl


Journal Information



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    Yeah, someone told me they had a stream notice for me and asked if I had streamed when I hadn't streamed since November. It's definitely something that needs to be fixed. It'd be better if the notification auto-expired, since you have to set a time limit for streams anyways in the settings.

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      Yeah, exactly. I don't understand it at all. It seems like something that can be easily fixed, too. D:

      also, I dunno if I am doing this right, but every time I try to check a comment, it just brings me to the top of the page of where the comment is. Does it do that for you, too? @_@ It's fine when only getting a few comments... but what will happen for people who get tons of comments and replies? You must scroll and find them!

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        For me, it goes straight to the comment. D: It could be a browser specific thing?

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          This time it worked. So weird. @_@

          also, a while ago, someone commented on several of my things, but when I looked there were no comments at all. D: I wonder if it was a bug or someone being a troll... it was rather annoying, though.

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            Oh I had that happen once, it was a spammer or something from what I heard

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              Damn. :c Dumb trollers.

              Also another small thing I am noticing... when I respond to you and click submit, it brings me right back up the page. That's got to be annoying for replying to several comments.

              Or is this just a browser thing? @_@ I use Firefox.

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                I haven't really noticed that, but I don't really talk to people much here ;-;

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    Let the weasyl admins know. They actually respond to stuff instead of ignoring or making promises they won't keep.

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      Where would I be able to? If in the forums, I'd have to have someone else do it for me, because forums confuse me, and I don't understand how to check for responses and may just forget about it. D:'

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        Well if you have twitter, theres @weasyl and @weasyldev

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          I have twitter, but I don't use it because that thing confuses me, too. xD Twitter always seemed annoying to me.