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FA shit storm by Hariel

It's rather interesting reading their status forum from start to finish. The literal shit storm of butt-hurt, rage, grief, white-knighting and other assorted things makes it quite the eye candy for a reader that enjoys seeing furry rage unfold upon itself and explode much like a super nova. While a lot of it isn't without it's reason and a number of seeming technical people have climbed out from their basements to offer advice to what ills the website. (Other than poor planning) I suggest if you haven't already, stop in and take a look. Number of posts would have you lol'ing I'm sure.

FA shit storm


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    Ill keep this reply simple. Faggots that don't know how to properly code or maintain upkeep on databases. Had they performed proper daily upkeep they would of noticed the backlog weeks ago. Second point, migrating to a new server does not fucking fix retardation or shitty coding. So once its back online, expect the same problems that have been plaguing the site for years about a week after they turn her back on.

    Personally I fucking hate FA. The laziest fucks i've ever met that know nothing of back-end management. I'm glad the sites down. It'll give a reason for peoeple to test properly coded and functioning sites like Weasyl and sofurry.

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    but hey, what do i know about coding and database management? I'm only a networking security IT. Derp.

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      Pretty much the word on the forum here is worded the same way.