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trigger warning: massive rant incomming by Kazekai

So after doing the usual on the internet - arguing with some dumbass who doesn't realize what a huge dumbass they actually are, I managed to take one good thing from that situation in that I finally have a way to put my contempt for people like this person into words so that every future encounter with anyone who behaves like this is pretty much made a lot easier.

If you want the full long-ass rant in all its glory, here: It's full of my infinite rage and hatred for anything remotely associated with the business-end of anything creative, that means the concept of industries, institutions, standards, systems, what the fuck ever else creates problems for creators or developers but it also covers why people like this person piss me off so much.

If you'd like to save some time, here's the gist of it:

If you've ever gone into a debate of any kind and the only thing you can do is list off statistics and quote legal books or cite sources or blah blah blah and never actually state how you as a human being feel about an issue, then I hate you, the parents who spawned you, anyone even remotely related to you, anyone who associates with you in a friendly manner, any children you might have, and whatever tiny, tiny particle decided your existence at the Big Bang because you are a worthless, spineless idiot who is too stupid to form a passionate opinion outside of what a bunch of facts and charts spoon-feed to you and if you cannot honestly bring yourself to feel any passionate investment into anything, you might as well shut the hell up because the grown-ups are talking.

I have more respect for any person willing to flame me for my views than I have for people like this because at least those people give a shit about what they're talking about. I could not even begin to care less about facts and charts and WAH WAH WAH, I want YOUR OPINION as a human being, and if you have some ground to back it up then good for you but if your intent is never to actually put a personal stake in any argument, then cone find me when your balls drop and you grow a damn backbone because you are worth less respect than the dumbest capslock-riddled grammar fail Youtube comment on the internet.

And please, let me know if this hurts your feelings. Go nuts in the comments raging against me, and then when you're done, why don't you reply to that rage and tell me what the experience was like when you actually felt a human emotion because I'd love to hear it.

trigger warning: massive rant incomming


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