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Today's Surgery (Basal Squamous Cell Cancer) by MviluUatusun

I had told everyone that I had two surgeries scheduled for this month. Well, today I had my first. It was a very simple surgery. A Basal Squamous Cell Cancer was removed from my cheek. I can't believe how many injections of Xylocaine I had to endure. It felt like a dozen but, that was the worst part of it. The removal was simple and I had to wait about 30 minutes before I heard that they had gotten all of it. Then, I had to have the opening sutured shut. I don't know how many sutures they used but it felt like at least 6. The good thing is that Basal Squamous Cell Cancer is non-malignant so it was more of an unsightly thing that needed to be removed. Everything went well so I'll be all right from this surgery as soon as they remove the sutures in a couple of weeks.

My next journal entry should be on Wednesday after the surgery to correct the Dupuytrin's Contracture in my left hand. I'll let y'all know how it goes as soon as I feel up to writing about it. (That's assuming I can type after my left ring finger gets cut open. LOL.)

Today's Surgery (Basal Squamous Cell Cancer)


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