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Oh Hi, I haven't said anything in a minute by Recurrent

Hey there everyone! I realize I have been pretty quiet in journal updates lately I hope to fix that, and who knows, maybe start doing more regular updates here too. I do most of my updates on my Telegram Art Channel here -

I have been catching up on a lot of my commissions lately, and while I did just pick up some more at LVFC, I am hoping to reopen for commissions in about a 2 to 3 months. My prices will be changing with my next opening though as a heads up. I have had my new prices pretty much set for months but I always feel weird posting a new commission sheet while commissions are closed, so expect that to be coming soon!

I have a lot of Badges and Standees currently in my queue, but a couple fun TF pieces as well. I really want to draw some more fun TF stuff soon. I am planning another big Group TF Piece once I am able to finish a couple more pieces as well! Speaking of finishing pieces, I recently completed a very large animated TF, while I do still have one more smaller animation on my queue, I hope to be able to hold and auction for my Animated TF Icon (on Furaffinity) once that smaller TF Animation is complete. If you are looking to get an Animation from me, keep and eye out for that soon! 

So what's happening in my life outside of art? Well I've been in and out of the doctor's office a lot lately. I figured out one set of issues, and then developed another. I'm pretty tired from that to be honest. But hopefully once they figure out why I have been breaking out in hives daily for the past 2 months, I can get some medication for it to stop (or maybe it just a very slow TF and fur will start sprouting soon, I can hope lol). I do a lot of fostering work as well and recently captured a pregnant feral cat that is a part of my local feral colony and I am now helping her raise 7 healthy kittens before I can get her spayed and released. I hope to TNR more of the colony soon but right now most of my spare funds are going towards momma cat and her kittens. As you may know I also work full time in addition to art and that has been pretty stressful for the past few months, which is why I haven't been streaming recently. I have been working with my boss to make it less stressful and hopefully that will mean I can start streaming again soon, but we shall see. I'll have to move my streaming set up back out to the living room again lol. I do recognize I haven't been as social recently while dealing with all of this, and for that I apologize. Please do feel free to reach out and say hi if you'd like, I may just be a little slow to reply while going through everything.

TLDR? Commissions opening in a 2-3 months. Commission prices changing. New Group TF piece soon! Animation Auction soon!

Oh Hi, I haven't said anything in a minute


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