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Road Rovers Christmas Scene (dialog) by animagusurreal

(Inspired by a pencil sketch I'm working on of Exile.)

EXILE: Wearing Jack Frost hat, frosting windows with ice vision. I love playing Jack Frost!

HUNTER: Wow, buddy! That looks awesome!

SHAG and MUZZLE: Approving dog noises.

BLITZ: (Dismissive) Ja, ja, go ahead und frost ze vindows, just don't come nipping at my nose, or I vill have to go biting at your butt!

EXILE: Don't be weird boy.

BLITZ: How am I ze veird boy ven you are ze vun vearing a silly, girly elf hat!

EXILE: Hey! I love silly, girly elf hat!

HUNTER: Calm down, you two. I think I know how to solve this.

Runs out at super-speed and runs back in a moment later.

HUNTER: Exile, you can be the upbeat, sympathetic Jack Frost from Rankin-Bass' "Jack Frost" and Blitz --

Produces another Jack Frost hat.

HUNTER: You can be the spiteful, jealous Jack Frost from Rankin-Bass' "Frosty's Winter Wonderland."

BLITZ: Nein, nein! I do not vant ze --

Hunter puts hat on Blitz's head.

BLITZ: Impressed, looks at self in reflection from frosted window Oooooooooh!

EXILE: Hey! I thought you said hat was silly and girly!

BLITZ: It vas! But ze moment it touched my noble Doberman brow, it became distinguished und manly!

EXILE: You cannot even frost windows!

BLITZ: So? Grins My teeth are as sharp and beautiful as icicles! Und my icy glare is cold enough to freeze evildoers in zeir fear!

COLLEEN: enters Oh, Exile! Points at window. Did you do this?! It's beautiful! You're a perfect Jack Frost!

BLITZ: Ahem.

COLLEEN: Aside to Exile Um...who's that bloke supposed to be?

BLITZ: But I am vearing ze exact same hat as he is! How can you know who he is and not me?!

COLLEEN: Oh, how silly of me! I know exactly who you are! You're the spiteful, jealous Jack Frost from Rankin-Bass' "Frosty's Winter Wonderland!"

BLITZ: (Joyful) Finally! She knows who I am! I am never taking zis hat off!

Road Rovers Christmas Scene (dialog)


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    Nicely random and fit for the series and the season. BTW, Merry Christmas to you too, Animagusurreal. :)