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Log Date 10-1-23: Life seems to have chilled by Silvrsterlng

Figured it couldn't hurt to make an update post, though there isn't much to say this month. Life finally seems to have calmed down after all this time, the worst my family and I had to deal with has been a mouse infestation, and one of 'em dying under our AC right before a mild heatwave. Otherwise, things are fine. My wrist isn't doing so great, I gotta get better at pacing myself with art. I'm also putting on too much weight for my liking. Honestly, it's still hard to process not needing to jump at the smallest noise or thing happening in the house, but I'll take that over the alternative.

Been binging Cyberpunk 2077's new 2.0 update and DLC this last week since I've taken some time to let my wrist rest; It's fun, can recommend if you like average western RPGs with good story.

Oh yeah, might as well also let anyone reading know my commissions are still open, in case anyone was wondering.

And my birthday is in a week or so, that's also cool.

I guess that's all I have to say; All's quiet on my front, which is still kinda wild to think about.

Log Date 10-1-23: Life seems to have chilled


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