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Hello! (opening for commissions) by panin

Hello! This is my first real journal here on Weasyl! I wanted to write a little thing here to sort of explain whats going on with me and what I hope for with my weasyl page going forward.
Since making my account I haven't really done anything here, and have barely posted anything. but that isn't all that much different from most other places I occupy on these wide interwebs. Today I'm starting a change. Over the years I've been wanting to work in art/design, been always waiting for the "right time" to start, looking for jobs but never feeling like I can actually apply to any (lol who has 3-5 years experience in the field and a masters and and and) but! I'm fed up. I gotta start somewhere, so I'm starting here. My plan is sort of in two parts:

  1. I gotta learn how to be better about being online. I want to be more involved and maybe actually make friends instead of lurking everywhere, but that also means I can't just waste time doomscrolling etc, I gotta like. actually talk to people. I'm going to officially retire my twitter account and move over to Mastodon (or maybe bluesky if I ever find a way on? at the same time though why would I want twitter 2?) I am also going to try to be more active in a few different places to make up for no more twitter. so far I have FA, Weasyl, mastodon, and I might add tumblr in as well.
    In order to be more active I will be using postybirb to lighten the load of posting my art on all of the different places, which should hopefully leave me more time actually interacting with all you lovely folks online instead!

  2. Since I want to start trying to do this art thing more seriously, I have decided to open up for commissions, and I am going to try and make a streaming schedule where I can work on some of my own projects I've had on the backburner forever. The ideal scenario would be being able to actually live off of the art I do, but like all good things that'll take some time. but I gotta start somewhere.

So without further ado, I am open for commissions! Please contact me via telegram (at)kokirikim, send an email to or head over to my Ko-Fi page ( if you would like something either traditional or digital from me! I plan on branching out what kinds of commissions are available, but I gotta try some things out first before selling.

Some links for everyone:
Ko-Fi (tip jar, commissions):
Commission Trello:
Telegram Channel:
Commission Prices:

Talk to y'all soon :3

Hello! (opening for commissions)


Journal Information
