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Update 8/21/2023 by DemonLouie

So all 17 videos with my art have been removed and the owner of the YouTube channel has been terminated. All I wanted was for YouTube to take down all 17 videos, not nuke the entire channel. Most of their videos were fine except for the Aero The Acro-Bat 2 videos. Those had my work in the thumbnails. I hope YouTube fixes the report feature to have options like remove a certain number of copyrighted content without termination or if the channel takes your content and puts it in 100 videos or more you can issue a channel take down after you confronted the person and let them know about your art or content being used against your will.

I am not proud that YouTube's report system nuked a channel for 17 videos without allowing them to keep the channel with the content that was theirs or under the fair use act.

With that said. Please do not use my art without permission and if I ask you to remove my work from your projects or accounts if you do not wish to credit me, then please do so. It saves me time from having to make these reports. I have lost my older kitty, I am depressed and beyond tired of art thieves.

I will now get back to sorting my life out from my loss as well as being more focused on living and doing what I like outside of the internet.

Update 8/21/2023
