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EDVM (Closed!) by Enskyer

Alrighty! Pre-slots are now open for Extravagant Doublerly Von Month. it's time to claim :3

"So what is Extravagant Doublerly Von Month?"
Extravagant Doublerly Von Month or EDVM for short. Is a 31 day theme-tober theme. where you can submit you're Halloween idea in October. and only things that are related to Halloween.

As you know these are in fact, requests. That you guys, the Watchers can ask. :3
In order to enter on EDVM. You have to "comment" on the Journal. once you do, you are magically enter'd in! ;3
You'll be given a number when you are enter'd in :3 (Regardless on what site you comment on, it'll still count. but if you comment on another site, it'll round up you're same count. so no extras.)
that is how you'll get on the list :3 But first, I must give the rules...

As for the rules, and the Following:
The idea must be SFW. No NSFW idea.
There are Character limits how much I can draw on a pic.
Single Pic 1-4 characters max.
Sequence Pic 1-2 Characters Max. 4-TF only.
Depending on a site's rules... I will have to edit a pic for that "Site" And so, you'll be given a second image depending on the idea.

And so for the next 31 days (once October 1st hits) I'll be posting you're ideas each day until Nov 1st so get you're ideas ready before a slot is been taken! 😛 31 slots max.

and Happy Hunting! :3

[celiazardandfriends][Nuncan (FA)][marshallperditafan2005]
[tyfisignal (FA)][davidMcCloud (FA)][elgato12 (FA)]

EDVM (Closed!)


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    May I join and I have a idea for Halloween

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      Sure :3 you are welcome to join in.
      You're on Slot Number 6 :3

      You can either comment you're idea here or note me. either is works :3

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        Ok and how about two girls and one boy become Scooby and Marshall from paw patrol lady from lady and the tramp in full moon shape like tv what you think

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          ah I don't think I can do 3 people being Tf'd into something.
          As I only limited to 1-2 people I can do. Sorry about that.

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            It Ok how about two girls become Scooby and Marshall from paw patrol in full moon shape tv

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              alrighty. I guess I could do that. but who would be the two girls?

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                Any female anthro oc you have or female anthro from show and movie video games like July hoppy or any Pokemon

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                  welll...I currently don't have any female OCs but, I guess the female anthro would work. But lots of options to choose from the list. since there's so many of them. if you have some suggestions on which female characters, that could mark it down for me to choose.

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                    Delphox become Scooby and July hoppy become Marshall from paw patrol because you can't draw human