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Incoming Uploads + Some Words by Sertimus

Thanks for your patience, I apologize for the huge gap in uploads as of late. This year has been freakin' busy so far and, aside from work, I've been managing my chronic anxiety and burnout which has led me to put most of my artistic and software-related projects on hold. This batch might be the larger of some of my previous ones, depending on how you look at it. After that, it's possible there may be another large gap before the next, or I may triumph over my burnout and put out another batch sooner.

To tell the truth, my desire to share my works to my usual public venues has been dwindling with some of the ongoing mental health issues I've been managing. To add insult to injury, social media has been in a rather weird limbo where it's become more and more segmented due to dubious business practices by large corporate social media companies which either paywall its most useful features or inconvenience its end users in some particular way (gestures at Twitter/X, Meta).

But I digress. More importantly, I'm still around, still creating. Just not as publicly as I used to. With that said, I would like to thank all of you who have been sticking around since I started doing this art thing, or even when I started being open about furry stuff about a decade ago, and even if you just discovered me recently.

With that said, I have some drawings queued up which I'll be uploading shortly. Have a good night~

~ Sertimus

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Incoming Uploads + Some Words


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