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Things happening by GallowsGryph

So, I'm posting this here because of a few reasons. Most notably, I was planning on getting back to writing again, and wanted to mention as much. However, shit decided to hit the fan all at once...again.

In the span of a week:

  • Multiple power outages caused the home router to lose its settings, requiring me to restore it.
  • One of my uncles passed away.
  • My phone was destroyed while doing DoorDash deliveries with my mate Sildrae, resulting in family replacing it for me.
  • The oven at home shorted out, requiring repair.
  • I managed to BSoD a VM, resulting in a kernel panic in MacOS on my MacBook, and killing the Windows install it was running. I'm still restoring it.
  • Yesterday, my mate Sildrae's desktop cratered itself after some dust got under the CPU, shorting itself and the logic board. We're having to wait on a replacement core tower/logicboard/CPU to arrive so he can shove his stuff into it.

And more. Needless to say, I haven't had much time to relax, much less write. I also have a list of things that I need to do regarding my online presence, my website, and getting things pulled together with some coding projects I've been working on--including some interactive fiction stuff.

I'll be using my old Telegram channel for upload announcements (for people who use Telegram), and I'll be adding links to my Itaku, CoHost, and Pillowfort accounts to my personal site once I'm able to get back to restoring my MacBook (where the files are).

For now, I need to get back to said MacBook. Hope you all have a good one.

Things happening


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