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Update 4/27/2023 by DemonLouie

I finally decided that I am having issues with a real life friend who I am staying with. They don't know when I am talking to them because they stay glued to their phone. The last time we ever talked was when I had my wisdom teeth removed and I was confused and loopy so I had no idea where I was, even when I was back at the apartment. My friend and I seem to just have disagreements, yet they are the ones that tell me that I draw my Louies way better than those on dA and FA. In a way that's true for them but I told him not to judge others based on style. I love the hudson styles as well, I just cannot draw it as easily as everyone else.

Anyway, I am far depressed and that's why animation production and art from me has slowed down. I feel like I am always talking to a wall at this point and my friend just doesn't understand my feelings and he never wants to talk to me even if I have problems. At this point, I have been in a state where I just hold Jason in my lap while working as well as pet Oreo on my breaks as Ms Kitty has been hiding and she never comes out until late at night when we are in bed.

My life this whole time feels gray, empty and super depressing. To find out that my friend cares about his electronics than me and that's not a bad thing. To be honest, I have a feeling that he doesn't like what I create, even Louie Chronicles. I am almost finished with the entire thing but I don't know if I can go on. I wish I had someone to talk to, someone that can support me because my life is falling apart and I don't want to keep living anymore, it's too much, my future isn't important but my friends' futures are. Even the friends I have online are more important than me and that's how it should be. If I had to give my life to save someone else so that they have a future, it's what I will do. Maybe my friend will wake up. Maybe not.

Have a wonderful day guys, stay safe. Don't let someone in your life bring you down. Not everyone is social to people they live with or meet outside of the Internet. Sadly, it's too late for me as I just feel like I have nothing to live for.

Just keep moving forward, someday things may change... ~ Quote from a page I will not spill.

Update 4/27/2023


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    I don't have any wisdom or articles I can draw from with regards to dealing with the other side of screen addiction, unfortunately... Most I can suggest is for you to focus on reconnecting with others in your life, forge relationships with family and friends that may have fallen away as you dealt/deal with the individual always on their phone. Opening up safe communication channels can also be a good starting point. Remember, try using I statements and try your best to avoid accusatory you statements. Better to say, "I feel -blah- when you're on your phone so much and it hurts me in -blah- way," than to go, "You're always on that daggum phone, don't you do anything else?" The latter can make people angry and defensive, which doesn't help you with your problems.
    If there are venues you enjoy going to, such as arcades or studios or whatever cool place, I say go. Get out of the house on your days off and have some fun away from what's bothering you. It's about reminding yourself about the little things in life and it may just give your brain some time to come up with novel solutions to your current interpersonal woes.
    Depression is the silent killer and there's no one solution to it. If you're struggling and it's hard to get out of bed than there is NOTHING wrong with getting professional help. If you need meds or need to talk to a psychologists than please reach out! You're doctor will give you the tools to start. There is nothing wrong with using these things to get back on your feet and moving on to doing what you want.

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      Thanks for the advice. I just feel like they choose not to listen to me and I am the only one that listens to them. I tell them how I feel about what they are doing and they get mad all of the time.

      I have talked to my family over the phone last week, they were worried about me again and I keep letting them know that I am fine. I do plan on opening communication with my close sister again, it's been months since we talked. I am just afraid she is mad at me for silly things I don't understand.

      On weekends I do take my kitten to the mall while she is on her leash and harness. Everyone likes her though I try not to aim for attention but some people can't help it and I tell people that they can pet her if they want to. I will try to find other activities that me and Oreo can do as I promised to include her in almost everything I do because she gets stressed out being in the apartment and still has zoomies. There is an arcade I have been to but I cannot remember the name of it and I do want take Oreo there as most places don't mind cats and dogs in their facilities, they just cannot be on tables.

      If this doesn't solve anything, I will find a psychologist to speak to.