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My apology. by Dragonsica

1/ Oh my. I owe my friends and watchers an apology.

I woke up with 20+ messages with encouraging words and good advice. Thank you everyone. I try to respond to each individually within the coming days.

I struggle with depression and anxiety but usually have it controlled.

I don't plan on quitting or deleting my accounts. My goal was to take a break and practice creature design and perhaps take an art course to improve.

You all are right about me comparing myself to others. It is quite the trap on social media. I struggle with pleasing the Algorithm gods. 

Black Rat, Nyhgault are artists in the TF scene that I think very highly of. I don't want to copy their style but they inspired me to start doing my own TF art.

I'm not going to lie, as a graphic designer IRL for 10 years, I feel threatened by AI. However, I don't think it will replace TF artists anytime soon. Stock artists, graphic designers and photographers however are in deep trouble.

The TF community is close knit. I forget that I'm not in a bubble anymore and apologize again for causing a ruckus. 

My apology.


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