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New Sona. New Avatar. New Name? (And Commissions!) by Snozzy

So, this is following from my last journal (on FA only, oops) where I wasn't feeling super comfy in my current... let's say 'brand' even though I hate that term for it. So...

I have a new sona! Not really a 'fursona' cause I don't really have fur, and I'm not really an animal, I'm an alien now... But whatever! It's a new look for me! If you wana see it, you can do so here-

I'm already really liking the new look, even though all I've really got done so far is the ref. It's a weird, kinda giddy feeling? I've done a LOT of sona swapping over the years, I know, so this may only be a brief trend... but I don't think it is. This feels like the first time I was a guil all those years ago, and I stuck with that for a WHILE, so. Since I'm anticipating being this new me for a WHILE (hopefully) I went ahead and updated my icon here and elsewhere to reflect that change. I liked the heart, but it's time for something new, yadda yadda. Bonus Weasyl only detail: the website won't LET me change my icon here, at least atm, so the old one stays... for now!

I still need to NAME this new version of myself though, cause tbh Snozzy isn't really seeming to fit these days. It was a nickname given to me by an ex (who I no longer even talk to, lol) and I kind of want something I picked myself. And something more fitting since, ya know, new form doesn't even really have a nose. Not very 'snozzy' of me, oops. I don't know WHAT I want my new name to be, that's the hard part. So for now, callin' me Snozzy is totally fine, and I'll make it known publicly if that changes. I might even stick with 'snozzy' as my artist name, even after I pick a new one for ME, just for simplicity's sake, but I dunno! We'll see.

What does that mean for YOU? Not much, tbh! Mostly that I'm not gonna be drawing any of my old sonas anymore, I guess! Consider them retired, at least for now. Other than that though, I'm still gonna draw the same lewd round animal person stuff, cause I love it. Might try and sneak something a little spookier in, from time to time, but overall I don't see my output changing drastically. I also don't plan on changing accounts anytime soon. I did it once before, aaages ago, don't wana do it again. I'll just stick with this one until name changes become a thing in like... 2345. Or whatever. (Is that a thing here on Weasyl tho? I should check. I'll check.)

ALSO, since I have new sona, I wana get art of them, and that means I need monies. THAT MEANS: I wana open comms again soon! And hopefully be a bit more regular with them in the future. Don't plan on changes my prices, but I do wana slightly revise my TOS and stuff, just to make sure it's up to date. I also need to make a commission form to make my life a lil easier when actually taking them, hah. Keep an eye out tho, I'll prolly take some comms in the coming week.

That's all! Thanks for reading all this, if ya did~ Hopefully I'll have some nice ROUND art of the new me (and a proper name for them) soon for ya'll. Until then, have a good one!

New Sona. New Avatar. New Name? (And Commissions!)


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