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You can't make an omelette... by TheMilkman1776

No siree. It can't be done unless you break a few eggs, which brings me to the following.

I'm someone who, unlike 99% of the earth, is someone who holds honesty as a pillar of my life. I'm the kind of person who values good will, charity and kindness among mankind, which in today's world is very rare.

However, none of us are ever truly clean. I have done some things that are frowned upon by many, I will admit this, but everybody has their reasons. I may get my hands dirty from time to time, but I do it out of honesty. There is a handful of people I find to be rotten to the core and  are much more evil than they let the public know. And if there's one thing I cannot stand, it's liars. Not only this, but I absolutely despise other evils like greed, selfishness, pride, cruelty and unforgiveness. It's these stone-hearted hacks that cause me to break a lot of rules some of the time. Why I do it is because I am trying to get them to humble themselves, and if hurting their pride or making their works accessible or using them regardless of "copyright", which is a total joke considering their fan artists and they, like hypocrites, draw characters made by corporations without their explicit permission. What really burns me up is how they scorn ordinary fans who just want to show how much they love their favorite fan artist. The worst part? They do not forgive these fans. Ever.

One strike, even if it's petty, you're vilified for life. And this is why I go over their heads using different methods. I despise their foolish pride and hardened hearts. So whatever I might do, know that I do it to bring out the goodness in people, to get them to swallow their pride and do the right thing.

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You can't make an omelette...


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