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Everybody Hates My Weasyl... by KexAndy

This is the worse weasyl ever...


Here my reasons...

  1. Everyone don't like my character mostly...
  2. Everyone hates my favorite characters...
  3. I don't have any friends & best brothers...
  4. They think i'm not good at roleplay types...
  5. They think i'm not good at writing stories...
  6. I'm the worst character...
  7. They're very angry at me...
  8. Everyone keeps making fun of me...
  9. Everyone called bad names...
  10. Everybody like swearing words...
  11. They have better friends & best brothers than me...
  12. They're serious peoples...
  13. Everyone is busy...
  14. Everybody hates my birthday for every year...
  15. Everybody hurt my feeling...
  16. I can't think different words on my writing stories & roleplay types...
  17. Nobody like fat characters...
  18. Nobody like inflated characters...
  19. I'm always lonely & bored for myself...
  20. Nobody wants to be my friends & best brothers...
  21. No one reply from my messages, comments & notes...
  22. Every peoples using swear words at me...
  23. I get bad luck mostly...
  24. Nobody like my idea...
  25. They have become deviantart haters...
  26. Nobody cares about my feeling..
  27. Nobody like fat belly lover...
  28. Nobody like inflated belly lover...
  29. Nobody takes request from me...
  30. Nobody like cheer me up...
  31. Nobody take my requests...
  32. I don't exist from this world...
  33. I'm always bored...
  34. They think i'm annoying...
  35. Everyone keeps ignoring me...
  36. Everyone keeps blocked me...
  37. Everyone become the haters & ignoring users...
  38. Nobody wants to roleplay with me...
  39. Everyone keeps making fun of me...

That all, i can say for everybody...



Everybody Hates My Weasyl...


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