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Update - Mailed Artwork by IndiWolf

Right so I'm really tired of this happening lately, a lot of my posted commissions have been either lost or stolen and I'm sick of it. It's upsetting that mail carriers don't even seem to take care of the items anymore. I am very happy to refund the artwork or re-do it at no expense, I've been really upset to find this has been happening to my commissioners and it's not fair on the commissioner or myself as I spend hours making the work only to find it's been stolen.

So I'll be making a few changes to the way I mail out traditional items..

Postage prices will stay exactly the same

Don't worry about that but item's will be insured in future so if any do go missing then I can claim back on the item.

No more envelope artwork

Since I think this is an incentive for the mail to be stolen I am going to stop putting art on the envelopes. It's sad I have to cut back on this because of a few people. I will be adding an additional piece of art to be included with your orders though, that way you can keep it safe somewhere :3

Insuring the Mail

So as I have stated I will be insuring items in future this means that I will need evidence that the item has been damaged or stolen in order for me to claim, so photographs will need to be taken and emailed to me if this does indeed happen.

If there's no evidence then I can't claim simple as but if items do go missing in the mail please inform me and I will try and take it up with the postal service.

I shall be using invoices in future

I'm going to register my business soon and I will be sending invoices rather than having money sent to me directly. This will also help if I ever need to claim.

  • So far I have been re-drawing the commissions as well as re-funding because it is unfair that people should have to wait so long to find out that the postal service is basically incompetent. I'm really sorry that this has happened to anyone and I am working on righting it.


Update - Mailed Artwork


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