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Gooptober starting tomorrow! by fullmetalchozo

Get your goop on for Halloween starting tomorrow! I have a total of 31 slots for fun, gooey and spoopy illustrations of your character to ring in the spoopy day at the end of the month! I will be posting a piece of gooey goodness every day in October in celebration of Halloween, so don't forget to get your name on the list!

Each slot is open until that day passes, so you have 24 hours starting midnight on the first to be the first character of this Gooptober celebration! Once the calendar rolls over to October 2, the slot for the 1st will no longer be available! Secure it now or forever hold your peace! I will continue to take orders through the 31st of the month, so let me know if payment is an issue and I'll work with you to secure a later slot in the month. Payment is required up front as it is with all my commissions.

1: open
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30: open
31: open

Gooptober starting tomorrow!


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