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Back in business! by Lunaris Parukia

Hello, friendly furry friends~! ^w^/

Sorry for the loooong wait, but as you prolly may know by now since I've been posting for a few days again now, I finally have my PC and tablet again! I'm right back to making daily uploads again. Thank you so much for your patience! =D

If I'm not mistaken, I've been away for 4 weeks so what I'm gonna do is starting next week, you'll get an additional colored pics on Mondays (Wednesdays and Saturdays will stil stay, of course!) for the next 8 weeks at least to (hopefully!) make up for the long wait!

Commissions will likely open again next week or the week after that. Because I've been working hard to catch up on the pics I should've been making ever since Sunday of which there were 9 (just one more to go at the time of writing!) I could use a break for the remainder of the week =P

For the people who were concerned about me, thank you so much for caring!
Unfortunately my life isn't quite back on track and I don't even know if it'll ever return to normal again... Time will tell )=

And finally, sorry for the... impersonal wording of my previous Journal. I was in a rush to write up what I needed to say, plus I was still shaken up at that time, so... yeah. Sorry if it came off as rude uwu;

Thank you for reading, and see you all in my new uploads~! ^w^/

Back in business!

Lunaris Parukia

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