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Using Discord more for Sales etc. by Sapphirus

I admit, it's literally a pain to deal with having to post sales and discounts on multi-art sites, and even reminders because it feels tedious tbh. Sometimes it's harder to keep up with people for them too because you gotta worry about ppl commenting on sites that you might miss, if that makes sense. Atleast on my discord server, DMs or tags is more cleaner and I can keep up with people more on it (Just hope Microsoft doesn't ruin Discord IF they buy it lol).

This also goes for my commissioners, as much as notes and comments is great, sometimes they lag and lack the speed getting to me unlike a simple DM, so when you wanna commission me or give me details etc, Discord is always great for this as I get messges instantly. I know not everyone uses discord, buttt if you do, you can keep up with me faster on it and get messages faster to me on it to than other sites. DA is a pain because notes sent to me on there sometimes takes days for me to see notifications on it.

You can join my server (NSFW/Art themed):
(I have to approve you in order to join, aka there's a welcoming yourself condition, unless I know you already! This is a protection to keep out bots and raiders, and trolls)

Or you can join it just to add me and you can leave after if you don't wish to stay in it, but as I said, DIscord is the best for me atm to keep up with friends, customers, and commissioners etc. So don't be shy to drop by. :D

Using Discord more for Sales etc.


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