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What am I doing all of this for by nenwithluv


What am I doing all of this for


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    Like everything else in life. You should be doing something for yourself. No one else matters so long as you take care of your own needs.

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      Ahh thank you ㅠㅠ

      I'm just frustrated with everything
      Also art related things
      Still waiting for the fame to drop in it's not fun anymore

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        ngl, chasing fame is a toxic mind set. I was trapped in it for years before finally finding a way out of it, and I'm doing much better as a result. As long as you are enjoying what you're doing, keep up with it. But only do so for your own benefit. If fame comes at all, it'll come in it's own time. It's unfortunately not something you can force.

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          Thank you for your kind words I really appreciate that!!!

          I'm not having fun w art anymore for some years now I don't know man

          It's true that chasing fame is toxic but it's just that I want to be acknowledged for sth I do
          Cuz my personal life is pretty lame as well

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            You're more than welcome. As for not having fun with art. I totally feel ya there. I've felt the same for a Long time now. Hence why I haven't posted anything myself that hasn't been an adoptable I kit-bashed together using a parts pack lol

            If art isn't fun for you anymore though, there's no harm in taking a break until you find the passion for it again, if at all. Maybe try a different medium? Sewing, 3D modeling, painting, working with clay, writing? All are pretty solid options if you can afford to do them. Or just don't do anything at all, and let yourself recoup in your own time
            Recognition for what you do is nice for sure, but imo, if it doesn't come naturally, then it's not genuine, and therefore not worth it at all.

            I see everything you post and enjoy it in my own way. I'm not particularly vocal with my critique though as it's gotten me into trouble more than once. And often times I don't have anything else to say but "That's cool/cute/awesome" etc. unless it's something that was made for me.

            Also hard same on the lame personal life. I just try and take things day by day though. Some days are better than others, and vice versa. Especially with the state of the world as it is.

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              Yeah same I tried to be more active but I'm pressuring myself a lot I've had a severe artist block where I didn't want anything since fall yet it slowly developed into wanting to draw and having ideas but my hand hurts af and I can't concentrate on one thing and it never turns out the way I want it to thus I'm slow and have mental issues additionally to that

              I actually wrote some stories again I haven't done that in years I finished one but the second one I started is extremely important to me but I dive too much into it and it's very exhausting so I left it at the side for now (it's the pancake drawing)
              I'm playing a lot of games I finished Nier Automata in two weeks which I bought recently hah I'm so lon-

              I also watch old tv series over again and I'm learning Korean for some time now but I'm slow cough

              I really appreciate you looking at my pictures and if you're not comfortable commenting that's ok I'm not forcing anyone really

              State of the world I'm not gonna start about that

              I lost a few people that I considered important somewhat all at once (about six?) I burned bridges with one I was friends with for six years but I had my reasons the mutual friend stopped talking w me shortly after that and the other four were like former colleague things but we had a lot in common and liked to talk but they stopped talking w me? Well whatever sigh I've never been a bomb in socializing

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                Oof, yeah I know that feel all too well... Having ideas floating around in the noggin and just not being able to put it to paper... It's depressing for sure.
                At least you're able to express yourself in writing though. There's nothing inherently wrong with deep diving into your work, but taking breaks from time to time to avoid burnout is always a good idea.

                I haven't touched the fic i'm trying to write in over 2 years now? Just been suffering from a lack of drive and inspiration, myself. >.o Doesn't help that I don't have people who can proof read, that also have knowledge of the content I'm mashing together (Destiny + Zootopia)

                Playing games is a good past time for sure :3 I've never played Nier: Automata myself, but i've heard good things at least. I'm afraid I can't speak much to the loneliness though :c I've been suffering in my own way with it as well. We just gotta try and keep our heads up and push through as best we can with what we have.

                I don't watch much TV persay, but I do watch a lot of youtube XD So that fills the void quite nicely. I'm also learning Japanese on the side! And my god, it's confusing af at times, but I'm slowly starting to recognize the characters and sounds associated with them which is really nice.

                Sorry to hear you've lost those people in your life as well :c It's never easy losing people like that. Especially ones you once thought important to you... I've had to cut out a few people from my life in the past, and still struggle with the after effects of it. And Like you, i'm no social butterfly. I keep to my own close knit group of people that I've known for YEARS and don't venture out much beyond them.

                That being said though, it never hurts to reach out and ask them "Did I do something to make you want to stop talking with me?" and if they give you a reason then just try and dust yourself off and move forward. But if they're like "Oh shit, I'm so sorry I left you hanging. I didn't mean anything by it" Then at least you have some sort of answer.
                Everyone's lives are really hectic and uncertain now, so some people have a lot less time to work on their social circles and have to prune it temporarily as they focus on their own needs.

                I do hope things get better for you in the long run though. As I mentioned, I'm not super social and am in constant lack of spoons, but if you ever want to reach out, my DMs are always open and I'll respond when I'm able.

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                  I didn't ignore you I just don't know what to say or add to this

                  Writing is time consuming but fun if you know what to write hah I've been working on a kpop AU of my sona and finally came to sth decent with a friend I just have to finish drawing it yikes (here's the wip ) and started one of the songs on this fake album it's English Korean so I also learn sth haha
                  I've also been writing short poems from time to time for some time now mostly English or Russian
                  I tried to retranslate some into German and Spanish but they just don't fit XD

                  Some people are not even worth running after them in the hindsight tbh esp if they don't answer yet if they do apologize it's fine ofc! I don't know what else to add

                  Thank you for your kind words and listening I really appreciate that a fkn lot!!!

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                  I also wish you the best with your personal life and the best thing to do with loneliness is to distract oneself or like make yourself a good time

                  ...... with games and sushi
                  I bought myself a switch this week e.e
                  And sat by myself eating the to go sushi in my car in the parking lot
                  I love it

                  Good luck on the Japanese! I'm too dumb for Japanese also cuz mostly of the kanji those friends of mine who learn Japanese can't do Korean can't remember and vice versa haha
                  We all can help each other in some way

                  Anyways that's what I forgot to say

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                    I didn't think you were ignoring me, so no worries ^^
                    If you don't have anything to add, then don't add anything. But hey, as long as you're having fun writing then keep doing it! That's a neat pic for your sona too :3

                    And that's a hard truth a lot of people refuse to recognize. Not running after people that aren't worth it, that is.

                    I'm glad I was able to help by listening and offering up some words of kindness for you as well. Thanks for the well wishes too ^^ Life for me is more stagnant than anything (kinda why i picked up Japanese, so i have something to work towards).
                    I'd be lying if I said it was easy, cause it's not lol. The interchangability of Hiragana and Katakana is a wild ride for me. Especially from what I understand, Hiragana is Chinese, not Japanese in origin. So I'm effectively learning two different languages I guess XD But yeah, thank you for the good luck :3

                    At least I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. That's all that matters atm. Y'all making me want sushi now though XD;

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                      I appreciate that you give me time to think about what to say oof

                      Thank you I'm glad you like it!!

                      Concentrating on the people that are worth it is important big amen on that

                      That's interesting! I just heard that katakana is for foreign words and hiragana for the actual Japanese

                      Good luck in everything you do actually!!!

                      Asian food is always good!!
                      I recently visited a city that had two Korean restaurants in the area I've been to yet I couldn't go but while I was passing one of them the kitchen windows were open and it SMELLED SO GOOD

                      I consider that important as well but is life nothing else then eat sleep work? I hope it works out for you

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                      Also whenever I see someone draw sth like I really don't want to draw anything anymore losing appetite on that...

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                        I wish i had an answer for that tbh :c I fell prey to that a long time ago, and haven't drawn anything in years myself. Comparing your own work to someone else's is never a good place to be.

                        Best I can suggest is to maybe use that work as inspiration for your own. Emulation is a good way to improve imho, though there's a thin line between emulation and theft if done improperly.

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                          And it's not sth you can easily go away from
                          It works sometime when I'm not online in any form for some time but also not always :s

                          Amen to that! It doesn't even have to be intended theft

                          The art world was just never sth for me

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                            Art is for everyone o: whether you participate in it first hand by making something yourself, or not.

                            There are more creative outlets than just drawing, as we've discussed earlier. Writing is a form of art, as is music, dancing, singing, etc. Whatever you wanna do that makes you feel creative is Art.

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                              Amen on that!! On everything you said