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Everybody Hates Kex Andy... by KexAndy

Do you want to know why everybody hates me.

  1. Nobody wants to be my friends & best brothers...

  2. Nobody interest about fat & inflated characters...

  3. They're ignoring me...

  4. Nobody interest about my roleplay types...

  5. Everybody hates my character mostly...

  6. They're always keep busy...

  7. They're always keep swearing words...

  8. Nobody interest about my favorite characters...

  9. They're always making fun of me...

  10. They're always away from me...

  11. They have better friends & best brothers than me...

  12. They're always blocked from me...

  13. They're always getting angry at me...

  14. Nobody wants to be my belly lover...

  15. No one wants to chat messages...

  16. Nobody interest about my group clubs...

  17. Nobody interest about my birthday...

  18. Nobody interest about my writing stories...

  19. No one wants to chat messages with me...

  20. I'm totally sore loser...

  21. They think i'm annoying to everyone...

  22. Nobody will say hi to me...

  23. I'm always sad...

  24. I'm always bored...

  25. I'm always depressed...

  26. They think i'm worst roleplay types...

  27. They think i'm worst writing stories...

  28. Nobody will visit my weasyl page...

  29. No one cheers me up...

  30. Nobody cares about my feeling...

  31. I'm worst character in the world...

That why, everybody hates me mostly...



Everybody Hates Kex Andy...


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