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About the Uragi Being a Closed Species by UragiUnderground

The Uragi are a Closed Species, this means you cannot make your own without my permission, and that right is protected under intellectual property and copyright law.

Now the reason I did that? Furries ruin everything. They take whatever creature it is and run wild with it, with zero regard for the creator's wishes. I built this worldbuilding project because it was something to occupy my time while my body disintegrates and torments me with constant pain. It ain't really FOR anyone else, it's just for me. It's just awesome that others wanted to participate and respect my worldbuilding rules.

If you do not LIKE the fact that they are closed, then don't get one. It's really that easy. You're not really obligated to have one, to like them, or even be on this page. Lol

I'm gonna continue to make art for this world because it's my worldbuilding project. If you don't like it, that's your business, not mine.


About the Uragi Being a Closed Species


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    You own a trademark not copyright unless you went through the effort and hoops.
    Also do you know what a skesis is?

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      You own copyrights to something as soon as you make it, that's basic intellectual property law, a trademark is something that has to be filed for in order to actually commercially use something, lol. And if you mean a Skeksis from Dark Crystal, then yes. And I have legal copyrights on the Uragi. I filed for them in 2016. :> So I know the rules!