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There are always two sides to a coin by RDK

One thing I have met with being aound this fandom is that ever so often there are some of their members acting like jerks towards anyone else, including members of said fandom just as well and getting away in being bullies. That's right, bullies. It is considered bullying when you go on try to do any type of harmful conduct towards others no matter how much of an excuse you want to use to justify such actions.

And here is the thing, ever since I found about this fandom most of the time I read about complaints on how much anyone outside of it hate them for being in such, or how they are being mistreated ubfairly. Then again, there's always a reason on why such things happen, but sadly, it doesn't seem that many wish to understand this.

And I am not defending anyone who bashes the fandom either. I know many love to do it for the same reason as the like bullying anyone. They are just bullies. Like I said, such things are inexcusible. However when a member of this fandom goes out his way to mess with another you are no better than those who "fursecute" or badmouth the fandom itself.
And I can hear it now, "buuuuuut arent YOU a member of the fandom lel." Yes. I am. Even if I dont partake as vividly as I would

I am still encircled into it, all because of the art and little else. However this doesn't mean I would not voice my concerns about unruly furries and bullying within the fandom either. Not sure what connection there is on being part of something and stating an opinion of it. This goes twice when those bronies and anyone else point out I dont like their fandom, nor am part of it but then I draw My Little Pony stuff. Again, things don't connect simply because you like something. That's far from it.

As an artist I am free to draw whatever the hell I want. That there should be enough, and like I said, just because I like something does not mean I will not voice my opinion about the fandom involved in such things. Bronies had done a LOT of damage to me over the years, a lot more than any other fandom, and this includes Sonic's as well. I cannot feel other than contempt about such group at this point and if you do not agree with me that is fine, I don't expect you to nor care for it.

However I am to inclide that the point of this rant is that if you cause trouble for others, people will not see you and the fandom you are part of in a positive way. If you are so concern about anyone who dislikes being part of what you are maybe you would try and make things better by BEING better. Not by joining the hive mentality of bullying anyone.

There are always two sides to a coin


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