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Peter the cat reviews Star Wars 1-8 by GuineaPigDan

I know it's been two months since The Rise of Skywalker came out, but I've finally gotten the time to get these videos edited and posted! Before TROS came out, I decided to marathon all the Star Wars movies back to back in chronological order. Here's Peter describing what it was like watching all the Star Wars movies as a continuous saga, broken up by trilogy. Rise of Skywalker will get its own video once the blu ray comes out.
Special thanks to waxbadger waxbadger for cleaning my audio and CurtisLupus: for providing his voice again (he does the Spongebob-esque "one last Jedi viewing later" voice in my TFA/TLJ video)

Also, please show support for LunoVulpes/SedgwickTapir, the person that built my fursuit head of Peter! If fA is still getting DDOSed, check out Sedgwick's twitter.
sedgwicktapir on Furaffinity

Prequel Trilogy reviews
Original Trilogy reviews
The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi reviews
Rise of Skywalker review coming soon!

Peter the cat reviews Star Wars 1-8
