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lets get this show on the road by Otterbits

So like yea I'm returning from that small little Hiatus.

So like yea got a job and now have time scheduled out for drawing and work so that's a plus for me. Took a while to figure the crap out, allot of waiting on other people and poo which really ended up wasting my time, but that's how the job world is i guess.

Finally finished the conditioning and working through the super "out of shape" muscles I had so i can no skate and walk long distances without feeling very shitty at night. Landed my first "Varial" on the Hiatus which made me very excited. Found out I'm very very very scared of grinding rails.....

Learned a few new tricks and studied up on some things for my art work. I'd go into detail but that would bore me and you.




Just want to let you guys know that commissions will be opening soon. Cause of the limiting of the time i have per day I'll be greatly reducing the number of slots I have open for commissions. Prices on commissions will also be dropping, BUT what will be going in there place is a complexity charge.

:Price Change To:


:complexity charges cover this:


-multiple colors on one character. exp: Fox with blue,green,red,purple fur pattern.

-weird designs. exp: leopard with stars for spots

-redoing art exp: going back into the art file to fix details

!!!!!TRADE INFO!!!!!

For all those that have asked to do trades with me in the past. I'll be doing trades but I'll be doing it like this:


I won't start or complete my part of the trade until the other has completed there part of the trade first


Depending on how the person has completed there part will depend on how mine will come out.

(I'm not looking to put some effort and work into a trade if the other just doesn't do the same. I also do not care about the level of skill you have, if you can draw then you can trade with me. No questions asked)

!!!!!Request Info!!!!!

To me this is pretty much like free art. I honestly don't have a problem with free art, in fact I'd be up for asking some myself xD

Though this will stay simple, the only ones that are allowed to ask me for free art is the ones that are active watchers. But usually 99% of the time the ones that are my active watchers usually become my friends. . . Or i eat them. . .

So yea if you want to be able to ask up for free art, then watch, be active, have some fun. I do know who my active watchers are and I enjoy chatting with them.


Well that's all, thanks for reading if you did read.

Hope to chat and reply to you all soon.


lets get this show on the road


Journal Information



  • Link

    yay you're back.

    I wish I had drawn that pic of you and my mate... but I've been in a downward spiral about my art.. plus it's been sooo uncomfortably hot here, being in the 100's.

    I can't wait to see what you post up now =3

    Glad you got a job.

    I'm thinking of quitting my job lol but then no money -w- then I wouldn't be able to buy a commission from you sometime! xp

    I wish i could be in shape to do some nice tricks. must be pretty cool.

    • Link

      Yup, back and ready to art.

      Well if you ever need any help or small lil teachings I'll be happy to help you with a class or somethin.

      And YEAH, its been hot as hell here. Sucks sooooooooo much.

      Yea, job is going great. Even if Im as green as grass xD

      Yea bad Idea, stick with it till the end. Or unless you transfer to a better job. Always trade up.

      More like scary, did a yardstick length drop yesterday.