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Upcoming Cons and Shows! Come see me IN REAL LIFE! by Dragonmelde

My year is already starting to get busy! Check out where I'll be, where I WANT to be, and why I won't be at some cons in 2020!

Texas Furry Fiesta- Art Show Only!
February 27- March 1
I'll have a bunch of originals, as well as some matted prints and limited edition prints in the show! So don't be sad when you can't find me in the DD! Just go bid on a one-of-a-kind Melde original!

Blue Ridge Furfare- Dealer's Den!
March 13-15
I'm super excited to be a part of this brand new con in Asheville, NC! I'll have some brand new merch for this con, so you better come see me! And this would be a great place for my Needy Greedy Dragon patrons to get a beer with me since Asheville is FULL of amazing breweries!

Gateway Furmeet- Dealer's Den!
March 27-29
Back for a second year, I'm hoping to have EVEN MORE new merch for GFM! This is also the start of my back-to-back con journey! I love GFM, so I'm happy to be able to return!

Motor City Furry Con- Dealer's Den!
March 27-29
My first year here, and I couldn't be more excited! This con is pretty much made for me! A beer-themed con, yes please! This is the second con in my back-to-back journey, so I hope I'm not too frazzled! Come see me in the den to see how crazy I look after not being home in almost 2 weeks!

Sin City Murr Con- Attending, maybe Artist Alley
June 26-28
I just happen to be visiting Las Vegas during this con (what are the chances?), so I do plan on attending at least one day. I'm debating about trying to do the Artist Alley, but maybe it'll just be a fun con for me! Either way, I'll have preorders available!

Megaplex- Dealer's Den!
August 21-23
After a large gap in cons, I'll be back for Megaplex at least! I love this con, so I'm always happy to be there every year! And be sure to check out my art floating around the con space since I do art for them too!

Anthro Southeast- Dealer's Den!
October 30- November 1
My "home con"! I'll be back again for their third year, so be sure to come see me! There are also great breweries within walking distance from the con, so this is another good one for my Needy Greedy Dragon patrons to come to!

Anthrocon- Waitisted, Applied to Artist Alley
Unfortunately, I was waitlisted for the DD this year. I have applied for the Artist Alley, and may do the Art Show depending on how well TFF's Art Show works out for me. AC is a pretty expensive con for me to get to though, so I have to be financially responsible for my business. I know many of you are disappointed, and so am I, but sometimes that's just how things happen. Come see me at a smaller con instead! They're a ton of fun, I promise! Of course, I will be applying to AC next year too!

Denfur- Applied
I'm waiting on a response from Denfur! Fingers crossed! It would be my first time going to a con that far west, and I'm super excited!

Fursonacon- Applied
I'm also waiting to hear back from Fursonacon! I loved the con last year, so I really hope to be back again!

Anthro Northwest- Applied
I'm just waiting on a response from ANW! Fingers crossed!

Furry Weekend Atlanta??
I'm not going to be attending FWA for the first time in over a decade. But don't feel bad, I will be visiting Japan instead! Follow my social media for all of my travel pics! I do plan on applying for the DD next year though!

Biggest Little Fur Con??
Like FWA, I will be in Japan!

Mephit Fur Meet??
Come hang out with me at Dragoncon! I won't be selling, but I'll be there. I love MFM, but this year is Dragoncon fun instead!

Midwest Furfest??
Just waiting on DD apps to open again! Put in a good word for me :P

Another con not listed??
Tell me where you want to see me this year! It's possible it overlaps with another con I'm already doing, or maybe it just isn't on my radar! Let me know in the comments!

Upcoming Cons and Shows! Come see me IN REAL LIFE!


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