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Musings on Motivation by Sludger Slipfwysh

It's very difficult to sustain a creative process during times of difficulty. Financial security is a challenge when you're scraping your way up from the bottom, and a lot of my time is spent recuperating from the stress of life and work. So, I'm not taking the time to make the things I want to make. With executive function in the mix, it can feel impossible to start even when I have made time to be productive.

I'm not sure where to move from here, whole years pass by without much personal work getting done, and my skill and workflow is nowhere near the point where I could market it to the fandom.

That aside, my transition is coming along very well, and that has improved my mood quite a bit. I'm still looking for good work and want to take my career a little further than menial labor, but once finances and housing simplify, I think I'll be able to take art by the reins again.

Those are my thoughts.

Musings on Motivation

Sludger Slipfwysh

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