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Random Thoughts #2 by Whitecrow

MJD: 56482

July 10, 2013 – AHD 9527 : The Problem with Activist Groups

When a group of people band together in pursuit of changing the status quo, they usually start with the intent of taking actual action and the fulfillment of set goals. As the movement progresses and a substantial amount of stated goals are achieved, the group(s) often become divided between factions that are dedicated to accomplishments and factions that are dedicated to theatrics. Often factions that are more zealous and militant tend to split off as well.

The differences between the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The former runs animal shelters in many countries and despite its flaws, tries to do the best it possibly can with the limited resources it receives. The later on the other hand, is shaped by substantially different goals and motives. Shelters run by PETA have the dubious distinction of killing most of the animals they take in. Instead they seem focused on the publicity of demonstrations that involve lettuce bikinis and signs that exemplify Godwin s law. Additionally their long term goal are described as total liberation for animals. This zealotry goes to the illogical extreme of wanting to keep people from having pets or even seeing eye dogs for the blind. Finally, they have known ties to the violent Animal Liberation Front, who have shown a disturbing willingness to violate the law since utopia justifies the means in their eyes.

Regretfully, the gay rights movement has fallen into this trap as well. When the modern movement was started, simply being gay was regarded as a crime and gay bashing was socially acceptable in the majority of places. In short, the movement literally had matters of life and death to fight for. The early years of the AIDS epidemic served only to strengthen this resolve though the standard arguments over courses of action started to creep in. As sodomy laws fell, AIDS became manageable rather then a death sentence, and gay bashing was met with increasing revulsion, the decrease of immediate and existential threats became an agar plate for division over goals and tactics. Unfortunately, the public face of the more recent gay rights movement has been one of corporate sponsored pride parades and PR stunts like glitter-bombing.

The dividing line between groups that are focused on actual action and groups that simply seek PA 'awareness' is difficult to discern. None the less, one should be careful when lending support, monetary or physical, to a cause. If discretion is not practiced, your support could go to ineffectual PR stunts and drum circles involving over turned buckets

Random Thoughts #2


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