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Thoughts and Stream by HierroTatsu

So i want to stream again, someday, maybe. But my internet wobbles in and out so infrequently its hard to figure out when is the best time. maybe tomorrow night after work (and a cold shower). Not even sure what i'd draw should the time come. I just got several dozen projects running through my brain all at once (and listening to the music for Asura's Wrath isn't Helping. Good times tho)

a great deal of knuckling down is in my immediate future, and the results may not be good. Suppose I'm kinda running out of options though on what to try and what to DO with myself. ... but that's angst on a whole other level.

Other thoughts include waiting for pokemon XY to come out to really launch into Team Rush's story (which reminds me that i ought to post such things...) and then seeing what kind of new pokemon i could fiddle with and personalize into the whole story... or I could just shut up and do it.

More ideas include video game projects n designs and story for SkyKingdom involving lots of magic n rules of magical powers of incredible powers n such that has been written over n over n over again as I try to rewrite it ONCE MORE! Or i could just shut up and do it.

So many choices, so much i should just shut up and do

Thoughts and Stream


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