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In Case You Were Curious by Another Gone Profile

I'm feeling much better now.

Better from what? A combination of stress and hay fever. Insomnia is STILL kicking my ass, but I can deal.

What does this mean? I'll be able to continue working on my trade. Woot!

I'm still a little nervous about it though because I need to use my tablet for the background, and I have a hard time with that thing which is why I never use it. If I don't use my tablet, it'll take even friggin' LONGER. I'm not gonna say why because I wanted it to be a surprise. :)

In Case You Were Curious

Another Gone Profile

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    I'm really glad you're feeling better! That must have been awful. :( And yeah, tablets can be butts. I used to struggle with my old one constantly, but my intuos4 has been a good little drawing device since I got it.

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      Thanks! It was pretty terrible, for some reason, once I hit my 20's every time I get sick it hits me MUCH harder than it did in the past. Not to mention, I always have crazy unsettling dreams when I'm sick @.@

      Lately, I'm realizing more and more just how much I dislike tablets. I feel so restricted with them. I'm much more comfortable with pencils and pens. :)

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        I almost never get sick--I feel very lucky. But when I -do- get sick, it's usually horrible, but rare. I'm just glad you're feeling better!

        As for pens/pencils, I've been using my tablet for so long that it feels more natural to me. That, and digital art is much more forgiving than traditional! Still... traditional pieces always have this look to them that digital art can never quite emulate.