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ColossalCon 2013 After Action Report by KronoGarrett


I put a bit more effort into going to panels (Anime in the Shadow (meh), Bad Fandom Support Group (wonderful), this time around instead of simply milling around. Additionally, I wore contact lenses so I didn't have to fumble with or risk bending my glasses. It was just too hard to stay in character as Greatfang, though, as the work I had done on my jaw rendered an already-tight suit head impossible to wear for an extended period of time without experiencing jaw spasms. I know that doffing your head in public is poor form, but I really didn't want to ruin several hundred bucks of painful realignment of a slipped disc in my jaw. Sorry Chinook et al. At least he got a bit of a last hurrah.


A much better trip, accompanied by my sister, her friend, and CrystalCircle. CC's parents proved surprisingly accepting of me in spite of my unorthodox garb (I went as your standard longcoat-wearing street sam, and I had to break in the Doomboots.) We got to go to see Cosplay Chess (amusing, but the pacing was off), the tag end of 50 Years of Anime Openings (not bad), Otaku Court (a riot. I should have testified against the Digimon), and the Pokemon Game Show (crowded, but very exciting). I left the head at home, there were enough things to keep up with, and my jaw was still feeling kind of sore. In addition, things were very crowded compared to last year. Will ColossalCon be changing venues soon (or expanding into the last untouched block of convention suites) next year? At the rate things are going, they'll be taking over Cleveland's downtown convention center or the I-X Center to house things...


Minimal. Two Kabaya Mini Action Zoids kits. I stayed within budget. (I was this close to acquiring a Pen-Pen plushie, but I think the nonavian theropods would have been unamused.)


•Going to panels is awesome.

•I need to speak up more at panels.

•Try not to go to convention alone.

•Beating the EPA mileage estimates is easier than it looks. Even at 70MPH. I managed better than 40MPG in a Fit Sport AT.

•Contact lenses are good (fursuit heads are a breeze) and bad (tired eyes.) Maybe I should wear them more often...and/or seriously consider LASIK. On the other hand, glasses are part of who I am...

•Convention took a lot out of me this year, but it went pretty well in spite of the occasional glitch.

•I need to take more pictures. I never take enough pictures.

•I need to coordinate with other furs a bit better next time. I saw Scraner, a black wolf, another unidentified canid, one unidentified coyote in a green trenchcoat, and a light-blue dragon.

•It's time for Greatfang to ride off into the sunset. He'll be up on the block in a few weeks, I'll provide more details then.

•Spending time out in public helps reduce feelings of overwhelming self-consciousness and may be what breaks my dreadful artblock.

•The Doomboots might be overkill.

ColossalCon 2013 After Action Report


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