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The universe hates me... but my mom loves me by DeRiften

So I've told a couple of you about how I had this red sensitive spot on my nose and how I found out my glasses had gotten mold and I've been wearing my spare pair since then. Then I told some of you about the fungus infection I got on my hair and how I started treating it with Palmolive. Well, that's just a little bit of the shit that the universe is throwing at me. See, the fungus infection came back so this time I'll treat it for a whole week. The red spot on my nose is mostly gone but there's still a little patch of orangey skin that's a bit sensitive. But here's the biggest problem of them all that just won't go away. For a week, I've had these red/purple dots/patches/I don't fucking know on my lower belly. It feels hot to the touch and the whole right side of my lower belly (around the hip area) is extremely sensitive to the touch and it hurts whenever I even move. I always give shit a week to give it a chance to pass but this one issue instead of going away, actually worsens each day so earlier as I was doing the groceries, I went to talk with the pharmacist. He told me to go talk to a doctor as soon as possible soooo I'll be spending the entire day at the hospital tomorrow.

Now here's the crunchy part. Earlier I also went to get my rent money and as I checked my transaction history, I noticed these six withdraws of 42.50$ from May 4th to the 24th. Talked to the clerk about it, she told me it was Paypal trying to pass a supposedly preauthorized payment (I have none) repeatedly and since my bank account was empty (I've been saving up for Anthrocon), it added "lacking funds" fees of 42.50$ each time. Clerk also told me that there was nothing he could do, that I needed to talk to Paypal itself. So I sent them an email but meanwhile I can't pay for the Internet and I have a huge 100$ to eat this month. Also last month I had to pay 139$ for the Internet and this month I have to pay 159$ so I phoned 'em to ask what the heck's going on and apparently, they changed their policy and now, your bandwidth counts between midnight and 8:00am so I've been going over. As I was wondering if it was possible to survive on water, popcorn, coffee, juice and steak spices for a month, my mom chatted with me and I told her about all the shit that's been going on and... well...

I told her I'd just cancel my trip to Anthrocon and get whatever refunds I could get (bus tickets are non-refundable so that's 180$ down the drain, hotel room I doubt the guy would accept at the last minute and same for Anthrocon itself but I heard they're pretty understandable and sensible so maybe I'd get like 200$ back in total). She said that I really needed the fun right now, that she sent me 100$ today, she'd send me 140$ tomorrow and 200$ on the 13th. Only downside is that she told me to take pictures and videos. That and I'll owe her. A lot.

Oh and she also told me to stop the shit outta the ViSalus diet I've been going through for the last month and a half because a shitload of people are complaining that they've been having kidney failures ever since they started drinking their shakes. I did my research and these people were full of shit and didn't know anything about the product but apparently you should ask your doctor if it's alright for you, especially if you have kidney problems (which I have). As I have a rendez-vous with my kidney doctor on the 13th, I'll ask him then but meanwhile I'll do a real groceries with the money my mom sent me, for her sake.

The universe's been hating me and throwing the worst of lucks at me for the past two months but my mom? My mom loves me and I never actually tell her since I'm a man and men don't say stuff like that but... I love you mom.

PS: Wesley didn't get his new ball

The universe hates me... but my mom loves me


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    Awesome mother! ( ',')-b