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Patreon Update by Assilsasta

As I start back to writing I am updating my Pareon to try and gett a little support from my readers.
I have added new tiers for supporters that include access to works in progress, cameo priority, and ever reoccurring support character rolls and Full primary story lines.

My goal is to get $100 per story that I write. Considering that my average story right now is about 10,000 words, that is 1 cent per word. If I can get that I can justify setting more time aside for my writing. And I can write more of my stories that you guys want.

Tier 1 - Supporter $1
I love you guys, and you will have my gratitude.

Tier 2 - hatching $2
You will get read access to our Work in progress discord channels. As well as comment links to Gdoc copies of some of our stories in progress.

Tier 3 - Wyverling $10
You will get first crack at cameos in our stories, as well as commenting access to our Workshop discord chat.

Tier 4 - Youngling $15
As long as you maintain this level you will get one character with a reoccurring roll in our stories, As well as chat accessto our voice channel on our discord. We need to beable to chat with you about how your character might act in a given situation.

Tier 5 - Elder $25 Only 2 slots
One of your characters will get their own story line written in one of our settings. One story out of ever 6 published will be dedicated to your storyline.

Tier 6 - Ancient $50 Only 1 slot
You will be treated to one stoy out of ever 6 just like the elders, but your story will include commission art work.

Please note that support through Patreon is per story not per month, so we only collect when we are actually being productive! Our goal is to create 6 stories with 10+k words per month. If you're a supporter and there's something you'd like to see, please don't hesitate to ask! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit.

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Patreon Update


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