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🐭💭 by MouseBoxers

Not sure if I should even mention any thing about it, but I feel like I made a mistake silently closing commissions previously. I didn’t have any commissions, but rather than let it get to me, I should have stuck it out and just advertised more or been more active. The only thing is how much advertising is too much? I don’t want to be a bother or a nuisance, but I know in this crazy digital landscape posts get buried fast. I’m gonna take another crack at it but starting with a simple YCH. Any advice on advertising would be greatly appreciated!



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    I guess put yourself out there on as many platforms as possible to get seen by at least some one. From what I can tell currently, Twitter and Instagram are pretty popular with artists. Don't be afraid to repost an ad for commissions. I'm just a hobby artist, I don't profit off my work so, take my advice with a grain of salt.

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      I have heard that Instagram’s another good place from others as well, and I got a Twitter rolling already, ( I may reinvigorate my Tumblrs as themed galleries rather than the mix of stuff I put on my more active accounts, but that’s it’s own undertaking. Thanks for the advice too! Every bit helps!