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Signal Boosting. by Billy Squirrel

"Edit: On the phone with Delta. Just MY ticket alone is 720USD. It's going to end up around 1400 for both. FUCK. I need help..

Guys, I just found out my dad is unresponsive. Massive brain bleeding from complications from a surgery after a stroke last week. During surgery, he had a heart attack and another massive stroke. Doctor says he will not last the month, there's nothing that can be done and he has a DNR. Somehow, I need to get me and my mom up to Wisconsin or I will never forgive myself. As it stands, I do not have the money for a plane ticket for she and I.

I beg you, please help me. I am desperate. My dad and I did not have the best relationship but I couldn't forgive myself if I wasn't there.

If you can spare ANYTHING, please use my Paypal:

Last minute, the tickets will be about 250-300 each so to be safe, I will need about 600-700USD. And hopefully we can stay with a friend in town so hotel won't be an issue if that works out.
I hate to ask, but this month hasn't been easy.

Edit: Flights are actually apparently 425 each with Delta for bereavement since we now have no idea when we'll be leaving once we get there. Funeral services are done usually within 3 days I'm told. We are still short but bless you and thank you so much for your help. I am eternally grateful. So that will be over 800 just for tickets. Thank you all so much for your help so far.

Thank you so much. I am in a panic right now."

Signal Boosting.

Billy Squirrel

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