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Exams + Update by driftingsakura

My exams start on 13/05/13 and officially end on 24/06/13.

Short Version:

My exams start on 13/05/13 and officially end on 24/06/13.

I'm working very hard and this means I won't be very artistic. However, I will post dumps/wips. I'll be more active on tumblr.

I joined a few sites (Pixiv, Anipan, Zerochan and Weasly) and my parents are bribing me to do well.

Long version for those who care:

I've now entered study leave! As great this sounds, it does mean I've entered also the doom and gloom of the exam period. With that storm raging over head I'm not going to be able to draw much.

However, you're probably going to be getting a lot of sketch dumps and wips within the next two months~ I vent most of the time through art, so I might upload a few to prove I'm alive.

I'll also be slapping a lot on tumblr, so if you want to see lots of WIPs and general natter from me then go follow me! (Hey, that rhymed XD)

I've joined many more art sites, but not actually uploaded anything. I've joined places like Pixiv, Anipan, and Zerochan. I haven't actually uploaded anything because my standard is honestly not good enough for these sites. One day, when it is, I'll start to upload!

I'm working really hard because my dad promised to buy me a cintiq if I did well in my exams and my mum also said that I could go visit my best friend in Belgium. I want both so it's game on!

Anyway, I'm really glad that study leave has started. While it was all emotional on the last day, it means I don't have to bother with the people I don't want to bother with, I don't have to stay at school all day (I can go off when I want) and I can go in for things I actually want to revise with a teacher. There's a lot of freedom but it's all so you can work. It's going to be 90% revising, 5% arting and the rest just tying to survive and socialise. Although we all know its more 80% arting, socialising, living and 20% revising.

Please remind me to keep focused!!

Exams + Update


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