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A long overdue post of things by Sage116

It's been awhile but I think I'm at a point where I'm confident to start talking about what has been going on and what I hope to create from it. There's so much I could write that would fill up a book but I wanna keep it simple. This last year has been one giant lesson in self confidence and how to rebuild from scratch. I guess a good way to start is I lost my drive to draw at first and it was like losing my purpose to keep moving forward. I became burned out and stagnant with my art, even though it looked good I felt it had no heart or feeling anymore. Up until about 3 months I haven't even picked up a pen, it took time and patience but I've started to find myself in my art again and it's a feeling I missed. I want to slowly get back to a steady flow where I make time for commissions and personal art too. When I had time to stream I really enjoyed it, so that's another thing I still wanna build on and hopefully make content others AND myself can enjoy. That's a good place to end for now, I will be posting more regularly on Twitter @SageWolfLeopard and for anything big I'll write journals on here. Hope to see you guys in my next stream and I can't wait to start posting art again.

A long overdue post of things


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    It's good to see you back ^^