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Old uploads complete! by Poetigress

Just finished uploading the last of the old stories I wanted to bring over from FA. Not sure whether I'll post any of the poems here, but maybe one or two eventually. *shrug* At any rate, as far as the fiction goes, from here on out it'll be new stuff (or at least new to being online). >^_^<

Old uploads complete!


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    If your poetry is anything similar to the quality if your prose, I imagine it is well worth reading.

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      *blushes* I never did put much of it on FA, because I tried to keep FA mostly for anthro-related material, and I never wrote much poetry that could have been considered furry. For now, if you want a sampling, there are several poems on the poetry page of my website:

      I don't write many poems these days -- for some reason, they just doesn't show up naturally like they used to -- but I think those years of reading and writing poetry heavily really made a difference in my fiction, both for sound/rhythm and imagery.

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    There are still some of the old ones that I haven't read, so seeing them pop up on weasyl a few at a time is nice.

    I also showed a couple stories that I really liked to my bf. I gave him the links just before going to an appointment, and when I got back two hours later, he was still in front of the computer. We had planned to go out as soon as I got back, so I asked what happened, and he said it's my fault for giving him stories to read. I said, "But they're pretty short, when did you start reading?" It turned out he read those two, then wanted to read everything else too. So there, you have a new fan :)

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      Heh. :) Based on an experience I had years ago, I once said it was a goal of mine to write so well that someone would wind up having to iron permanent press pants because they left them in the dryer too long while reading. Sounds like I might be somewhere around that point. XD Thanks!