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2018 : A year end review! by Rowedahelicon

I'm not one to do anything early but I have to get a tooth pulled on the 31st so just in case I'm too fucked to write, I'll do it today <3

The Great

  1. Holy heck, FRAEVEN IS BACK. Fraeven randomly showed back up in my life this year, a good friend from years past who went off into the real world! He randomly reappeared on my server one evening early 2018 and before you know it, we had met up in person! Attended cons, had laughs, good times all around. Fraeven went with me to almost every con I went to this year, it was a wonderful change of pace and I'm so thankful to have him back in my life.

  2. Fraeven isn't the only person reintroduced to the fandom, earlier this year I was messaged by egk2 for a commission request. Turns out they were a lurker in the fandom for years, never doing much aside from looking at art. They chose this year to get out in the world of furry and chose me to do their first ever commission. An honor that I never knew the feeling of before, but a feeling that I hold dearly. Since then, they've made it to their first ever fur con and more.

  3. This year I officially finished up therapy. Not intentionally, my insurance expired and I wasn't able to get anything new. This is fine however, as I felt as though I was strong enough to go forward on my own without it. Seems like I was correct. Overall this year has been very different for me, I've learned a lot more and done a lot more. I'm in a happier place, still learning about myself, but looking at things with a newfound sense of optimism. For the first time in a long time, I've been able to enjoy things again. There is still more work to be done, but I am no longer feeling that it is impossible.

The Good

Overall, was a good year. I made some pretty good improvements with artwork which I'm super happy about it. Had a great time at all the cons I went to, etc etc.

The Bad

I got rid of a very toxic part of my life, I won't really indulge in details because privacy and whatnot, but it really affected me and once it was gone it changed things very positively. Also my uncle passed away, though I never really saw him or talked to him or anything. He was kinda estranged from the family. He died of cancer in June while I was on vacation. His boyfriend only told the family that he was dying a week before it happened.

I had two goals for 2018, to go on a date and to pay off my debt. I didn't accomplish the first one, and the second one I got close but I don't think I'll be able to do that in a few days time...This is okay though, just need to try harder!

The Sad

Zidonuke passed away earlier this year. I miss him a lot, our friendship started off as wild as they can get but I got pretty close with him in a way I haven't done with anyone else.

Goals for 2019 :
1. Be better at art
2. Establish my business better
3. Lose weight! :3

2018 : A year end review!


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