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Overclocked Remix's 69th Album: Arcadia Legends is Released! by darkflamewolf

At long last, after 3+ years of production and myself directing this wonderful album, the 69th album of Overclocked Remix: Arcadia Legends is released. A 3-disc, 36 track album that pays tribute and homage to the Skies of Arcadia game that inspired it. We may not yet have a HD remaster. We may not yet have a sequel. But we do have this awesome album to listen to and remember the nostalgia and the awesome times we had playing this truly landmark game that was sadly ignored by the majority of the gaming populace! This album is to all the fans that keep the flames of Arcadia burning bright! Set sail for the high skies and let loose the colors, there be pillaging to be done!
Download the album here:

You can also stream the music from my personal Youtube channel:

And here is the launch release trailer:

Here are also the words written by LionTamer himself regarding the project:

"December 21, 2018

FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 69th free community arrangement album, Arcadia Legends. Featuring 36 tracks from 45 artists, Arcadia Legends pays tribute to the classic - yet currently overlooked - Sega RPG Skies of Arcadia, and is led by first-time director Darkflamewolf along with assistant director Zach "Modus" Long. The album is available for free download at

Winding down the 15th anniversary year of SoA's GameCube edition (Skies of Arcadia Legends), Arcadia Legends pulls together a deep lineup of veteran and newcomer musicians interpreting Tatsuyuki Maeda & Yutaka Minobe's score in a variety of styles across 2 3/4 hours of creative arrangements. Arcadia Legends was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Sega; all images, characters, and original compositions are copyright their respective owners.

"Amidst all the dark, dreary, depressing, emo RPGs that spawned as a result of the uber-popular Final Fantasy VII, this RPG flew completely under the radar with its expertly used cliche storm and upbeat & happy characters," noted album director Darkflamewolf in praising the original game. "It was a breath of fresh air in a sea of RPG copycats."

The album's artwork was designed by Georgia illustrator and SCAD graduate Patricia "Pat Dag" Daguisan, as well as album assistant director Modus, and UK artist Davy "Odai" Owen.

"It has been a wild adventure and a crazy trip for my first time directing an OC ReMix album and quite an ambitious one at that! Every single remixer did a fantastic job bringing their unique individuality to the album!" Darkflamewolf offered. "This was an album I felt the world needed and I dedicate this to all the fans of this beloved, cult classic game."

With the release of Arcadia Legends, Skies of Arcadia becomes the third Sega franchise to receive an OC ReMix's arrangement album, following a plethora of Sonic the Hedgehog series tributes, along with 2011's NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming honoring NiGHTS into dreams...."

Overclocked Remix's 69th Album: Arcadia Legends is Released!


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